Tuesday 7 June 2011


The end is near...

The last month has been particularly hectic at university; completing the final project, creating my Reflective Journal and preparing for exhibition. Not to mention getting myself ready for the real world by building connections with design agencies in the hope of work experience.

The BAGC (Hons) Degree Show exhibition is opening to the public on Saturday 18th June and is on for a week. I have been looking for inspiration for my own show and have found some really beautiful exhibition spaces. I want to create a space that will be visually powerful to draw in the viewer to look more closely at the individual pieces of work. Below are some of the designs that I particularly like.



Wednesday 27 April 2011

Meaningless Metaphor

'Meaningless Metaphor' "A social experiment about communication. It is human nature to look at something and try to make meaning out of it. No matter how much meaning you think there is in these pieces, there really isn't. In fact, I wore one of these images on a t-shirt the other day and could see people look at my shirt and try to figure it out. The joke is on them because...It doesn't mean anything." I think this is a really interesting way of thinking and I am going to use this as part of my research for my final project at uni where I have to research and communicate a word, I have chosen 'Metaphor'.

Monday 18 April 2011

United Graphic Design

I started work experience yesterday at United Graphic Design in Bridgend. I had a great day and am really enjoying the friendly atmosphere of the studio. I began by creating UGD's social networking identity, including Twitter avatar, page background, Facebook avatar and a downloadable desktop background.